I am 33 and I have been married for several years. I had an afternoon so I went to the city for shopping. I was hic from morning so I put on black minidress and under them lace panties and on top I was naostro.Mám five breasts and so it was quite brave, but I like to provoke men and watch them make a lump in their pants and have a taste of me. I went through a few shops and headed to a little underwear store. to leave. that it goes to lunch. but that there is a pan manager. I took three hangers with bras and went to try them in the cabin. As I was in the cabin, I heard the keys in the lock rattled and pulled the hinge in the door.
So I kept trying and didn’t pay attention to it. Suddenly a curtain in my cabin was made and he was the leader and he tells me what he was doing, I suddenly didn’t know what to do. He grabbed me at the waist and turned me back to me, unbuttoned bra and let her fall to the ground. Suddenly he pulled off my panties and said, stretch your legs well and started pumping me. I was totally paralyzed, it took about ten minutes, maybe longer than it made me feel. Suddenly he turned me and told me to come back and give you a discount. I dressed, he wrapped it all up and put me in a jacket. When I left, he told me if I was happy, and I came back.