It was about 5 years ago. We went with my teen friend to Greece. We had an apartment and there was no problem sunbathing sharply. I was just after the breakup, and she sacrificed herself and drove me away from everyday life. After the first week we were already pretty tanned and decided to go to the local center. It was far, so we were delighted when the car with the guys who worked at the hotel stopped us. We knew them from sight. I don’t remember names or nationalities. We spoke English. We drank a little at the disco and then decided for a night bath. We had to talk to a friend a little bit, but I was horny and I wanted to get fucked.
Sex is best when you know you don’t have to control yourself. Already on my way to the sea I started to take off my clothes. A couple of guys joined in and followed me into the water. There were no lamps, so only moonlight. Suddenly I felt someone caress my ass underwater. I had no idea who and I didn’t care. I clung to that hand, but the wave took us. I grabbed his hand and pulled under the pier where she was a friend in the water and talking to one boy. She was wearing a bra and panties. He stood watching him with greed.
I took it in his hand and started chasing. He looked surprised for a moment, a friend revealed, but he held and liked it. She said she didn’t want a guy, but she had a long taste for me. Ok. I had 2 horny tails around me and one pretty 5 years younger pussy. Well, I can do it somehow, I thought, but we’re out of the water. On the shore sat the rest of the boys from the hotel with friends. There were five of them. So 7 guys and 2 girls and one of them doesn’t want a cock. I grabbed her and started kissing. Someone had unbuttoned her bra and a nice solid troop was out. I bent over to them and began to lick their nipples.
Suddenly I felt someone’s hand in the crotch and someone else started chasing my tail beside my head. I turned and took it in my mouth. My friend knelt down and started to lick me slowly. Suddenly another stick hit my hand and I started chasing him. One hand on a strange goat, a log in my mouth, my other hand too, and suddenly I felt like someone was trying to get me in my ass. I flinched to keep it from hurting. Suddenly I was lying on my back, and my friend just pushed a stick into my shell. It was macek and I like to get stuck. Someone else started licking my ass, and in a while he was bumping it. It hurt, but the pleasure was stronger.
I had my pussy and my ass full and I started to boil. A stick landed in my mouth and I was chasing and splashing. My friend leaned over, grabbed my head and slapped me to swallow it all. I loved it. I can’t stand it anymore, she said, took off her panties and jumped on my face. I started licking her and suddenly somebody did my ass. My friend jumped from me, but just to put another log in my mouth, the one I had in my pussy. He also did. Another boy was lying to me and a friend willingly assisted him when he couldn’t hit. Then she sat on it and began to rub his pussy against his back so that in a moment she couldn’t, she did and began to urinate.
The marathon lasted about 3 hours, and everyone changed to me in all the porno holes. Gradually they left until we and the other two boys stayed there and offered to take us. It was none of the hotel. He was local. In the morning, I woke up sperm-stuck, my friend’s juice, and in my mouth it smelled of urine, sperm, and I don’t know what else. There was no friend there. I stayed. I didn’t return home. I found a job at that hotel and with a couple of guys gave it a few more times, but this night was the sharpest in my life.