Well, to begin with, I say it was amazing! I have a good friend Kryštof and he is probably slammed into me. He once had a party and there were a lot of nice guys. There were only about two to ten girls. One boy told me if I was looking for a good game. Thanks, but not “, I told him. That Kryštof still noticed me when he came to me and started packing me. I finally told him we wouldn’t go upstairs. 2 glasses of red wine, so we went upstairs.When we got to his room we started to kiss.He started unbuttoning his mummy and then his skirt, I unbuttoned his shirt and trousers.
“I’m not worried!”, He replied. He started unbuttoning my bra and undressing my panties. Suddenly I felt the tickle. Yeah, I did petting !!! It excited me. When he got into me then it was beautiful. When I was first doing I was 19 years old. Krystof, however, forgot to put on a condom, so he impregnated me. Today I am 25 years old and I have a beautiful girl Klárka and son Lukáš. I got married to Kryštof and we are rich enough. We have a villa in Prague. I do not want to pull out, but my children and I have a beautiful